Formula 35: Ginger Compress
Uses: Sciatica, Backache, Colds, Headache, Chest Colds, Measles, Muscle Soreness, Stomach Cramps, Mumps
1 4-inch fresh Ginger root
1/2 gallon distilled water
Place the water in a 4-quart enamel pot with a lid. Bring the water to a boil then turn off the heat. Meanwhile grate the ginger into a bowl. Place the well-grated ginger into a square of doubled-up cheesecloth. Wrap the cloth around the ginger and tie the cloth securely, using cotton string, to form a bag. Squeeze the bag tightly over the water to express the juice from the ginger. Place the bag in the hot water and let it steep for 10 minutes, covered. When the liquid becomes hot to the touch, but not hot enough to burn, soak a clean wash cloth in the water and apply the cloth to the affected area. Keep the cloth on until it cools. A dry towel can be placed over the cloth to hold in the warmth.
Re-apply the compress every 4 hours as needed.