Latin Name: Citrus reticulata
Alternate Names: Mandarin Orange, Tangerine, Chen Pi (Chiniese - Mandarin Orange Peel), Qing Pi Or Zhi Shi (Chinese - Unripe Orange Peel)
Parts Used: Peel from unsprayed oranges.
Properties: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Aromatic, Bitter Tonic, Carminative, Cholagogue, Diuretic, Digestive Tonic, Expectorant, Sedative, Stomach Tonic, Tonic.
Internal Uses: Abscess, Belching, Bloating, Breast Cancer, Catarrh, Chest Congestion, Digestive Weakness, Flatulence, Gallbladder Congestion, Indigestion, Liver Stagnation, Tumors
Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules.
All species help move chi stagnation. Although all species share certain properties, there are some differences; Mandarin Orange Peel is an anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, carminative, diuretic and tonic, and the green or unripe orange peel is a cholagogue and carminative. The bitter Orange Peel moves chi stagnation and is a carminative, stimulant, stomachic, expectorant and tonic. Additionally, different species/parts have different uses. Mandarin Orange Peel - catarrh, chest congestion, gas, indigestion; Green or Unripe Citrus Peel -- abscess, bloating, breast cancer, gall bladder congestion, liver stagnation; Bitter Orange Peel - flatulence, indigestion, stagnation in the digestive tract, tumors.
Using the peels as a digestive aid stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. The high content of bioflavonoids helps to strengthen the capillaries and tissues in the body. Orange flower water is used as a sedative.
All species help move chi stagnation. Although all species share certain properties, there are some differences; Mandarin Orange Peel is an anti-inflammatory, cholagogue, carminative, diuretic and tonic, and the green or unripe orange peel is a cholagogue and carminative. The bitter Orange Peel moves chi stagnation and is a carminative, stimulant, stomachic, expectorant and tonic. Additionally, different species/parts have different uses. Mandarin Orange Peel - catarrh, chest congestion, gas, indigestion; Green or Unripe Citrus Peel -- abscess, bloating, breast cancer, gall bladder congestion, liver stagnation; Bitter Orange Peel - flatulence, indigestion, stagnation in the digestive tract, tumors.
Using the peels as a digestive aid stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. The high content of bioflavonoids helps to strengthen the capillaries and tissues in the body. Orange flower water is used as a sedative.
Topical Uses: Allergies, Broken Capillaries, Skin Dryness
Topical Applications: Orange flower water is used for dry skin, broken capillaries and to stimulate new cell growth. Once used as a snuff for allergies. Perfumes.
Culinary uses: Orange Peel is grated and added to candies, breads, cookies and cakes. It gives zest to vegetable dishes and improves the digestion of food. Orange Peel is used to improve the flavor of other medicines. Orange Peel is used in making marmalade and liqueurs such as Curaço. Fruit is eaten plain or juiced. Orange flower water is used to flavor desserts.
Energetics: Pungent, Bitter, Warm, Sour, Cool, Dry.
Chemical Constituents: Essential oil (limonene, pinene, linalol, humulene), flavonoids, aldehydes, coumarins, bitters, vitamin C.
Contraindications: Use Bitter Orange with caution during pregnancy as large doses may stimulate contractions.
Comments: The energetics differ depending on the species, as follows: Mandarin and Bitter Orange Peel - pungent, bitter, warm, dry; Bitter Orange Peel - sour, bitter, cool, dry.
Oranges are native to the Far East and China and are believed to be the Golden Apples of Mythological fame. Oranges are regarded as a symbol of fertility due to the fact that they can produce flowers and fruit at the same time.
The species Citrus reticulata (Mandarin Orange, also known as Tangerine), is closely related to the species Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange, also known as Seville Orange) and Citrus nobilis-mandarin.
Oranges are native to the Far East and China and are believed to be the Golden Apples of Mythological fame. Oranges are regarded as a symbol of fertility due to the fact that they can produce flowers and fruit at the same time.
The species Citrus reticulata (Mandarin Orange, also known as Tangerine), is closely related to the species Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange, also known as Seville Orange) and Citrus nobilis-mandarin.
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