Latin Name: Achillea millefolium
Alternate Names: Milfoil, Soldier's Woundwort, Herba Militaris, Carpenter's Weed, Bloodwort, Staunch Weed, Nosebleed, Thousand Leaf Gandana (Sanskrit), Ichi Kao (Chinese)
Parts Used: Above ground portion.
Properties: Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Astringent, Bitter Tonic, Carminative, Cholagogue, Circulatory Stimulant, Diaphoretic, Digestive Tonic, Diuretic, Febrifuge, Hemostatic, Hypotensive, Sedative, Stomach Tonic, Tonic, Urinary Antiseptic.
Internal Uses: Anorexia, Appetite Loss, Bright's Disease, Catarrh, Chickenpox, Colds, Coronary Thrombosis, Cystitis, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dysmenorrhea, Eczema, Enteritis, Fever, Flatulence, Flu, Gastritis, Hay Fever, Hemorrhage, Hepatitis, Hot Flashes, Hyperacidity, Internal Bleeding, Kidney Inflammation, Measles, Menorrhagia, Placenta Delivery, Pneumonia, Postpartum Hemorrhage, Rheumatism, Shigella
Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules.
It is used for catarrh due to allergies. Yarrow helps to relax peripheral blood vessels, thereby improving circulation. Its diaphoretic properties help open the pores and aid in the elimination of waste material. Achilletin and achilleine aid in blood coagulation. Yarrow contains several anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving constitutents, such as azulene and salicylic acid.
It is used for catarrh due to allergies. Yarrow helps to relax peripheral blood vessels, thereby improving circulation. Its diaphoretic properties help open the pores and aid in the elimination of waste material. Achilletin and achilleine aid in blood coagulation. Yarrow contains several anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving constitutents, such as azulene and salicylic acid.
Topical Uses: Asthma, Balding, Bleeding, Eczema, Gingivitis, Hay Fever, Hemorrhoids, Insect Repellent, Leukorrhea, Migraine, Nosebleeds, Oily Skin, Toothache, Varicose Veins, Wounds
Topical Applications: Poultice of fresh leaves helps to stop bleeding of wounds and cuts. Fresh leaves are placed in the nose to stop nosebleeds and treat migraines. Use as a bath herb. Treat asthma and hay fever by inhaling herb while boiling in water. Makes a facial steam and toner for oily skin. Wash for eczema. Rub Yarrow on the skin to repel insects. Compress for varicose veins. Hair rinse for hair loss. Enema or compress for hemorrhoids. Chew fresh leaf for a toothache. Mouthwash for inflamed gums. Douche for leukorrhea. Poultice for spider bites. Place herb on rocks in a sauna or sweat lodge.
Topical Applications: Poultice of fresh leaves helps to stop bleeding of wounds and cuts. Fresh leaves are placed in the nose to stop nosebleeds and treat migraines. Use as a bath herb. Treat asthma and hay fever by inhaling herb while boiling in water. Makes a facial steam and toner for oily skin. Wash for eczema. Rub Yarrow on the skin to repel insects. Compress for varicose veins. Hair rinse for hair loss. Enema or compress for hemorrhoids. Chew fresh leaf for a toothache. Mouthwash for inflamed gums. Douche for leukorrhea. Poultice for spider bites. Place herb on rocks in a sauna or sweat lodge.
Culinary uses: Young bitter leaves and flowers are chopped and added to salads, dips and liqueurs. Used in Swedish beer to increase the intoxicating effects. When cows eat Yarrow, it gives their milk an unpleasant flavor.
Energetics: Bitter, Sweet, Pungent, Cool, Dry.
Chemical Constituents: Essential oil (proazulene, borneol, camphor, cineole, eugenol, linalool, pinene, sabinene, thujone), isovalerianic acid, achillein, formic acid, salicylic acid, polyacetylenes, asparagin, sterols, glycoalkaloid (achhilleine), flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, rutin, quercitin), coumarins, tannins.
Contraindications: Overuse may cause skin photosensitivity, dizziness and headaches in some people. Rarely is an individual sensitive to Yarrow. Avoid during pregnancy, except immediately after birth when Yarrow can help deliver the placenta. May cause urine to appear brownish, which is no cause for alarm.
Comments: The genus name, Acillea, is named after Achilles, the Greek hero, who was taught Herbology by the centaur Chiron, who was said to have used Yarrow to staunch the bleeding of the warrior's wounds during the Trojan war (1200 B.C.). The species name millefolium is Latin for 'thousand leaves'.
In France and Ireland, people wanting to be more clairvoyant hold Yarrow over their eyes. Dried stalks were used to throw the I Ching, an ancient Chinese system for guidance and wisdom. The Druids used Yarrow stems to foretell the weather. When added to a compost pile, it will accelerate its breakdown. When Yarrow is grown in the garden, it helps other plants nearby become more disease resistant. Used to flavor tobacco and used as a snuff. Medieval strewing herb.
In France and Ireland, people wanting to be more clairvoyant hold Yarrow over their eyes. Dried stalks were used to throw the I Ching, an ancient Chinese system for guidance and wisdom. The Druids used Yarrow stems to foretell the weather. When added to a compost pile, it will accelerate its breakdown. When Yarrow is grown in the garden, it helps other plants nearby become more disease resistant. Used to flavor tobacco and used as a snuff. Medieval strewing herb.
Most Used for:
1- Fever Reduction Tea
Uses: Flu, Fever
Comments: 1 tsp. Boneset 1 tsp. Yarrow 1/2 tsp. Peppermint 1/2 tsp. Catnip 2 cups water
Bring the water to a boil and pour the water over the herb mixture. Cover and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Strain the herbs and drink 1-2 cups at a time. Soak in a warm bath with 10 drops of Lavendar essential oil while drinking the tea. Towel dry off and bundle into warm bedding to rest.
Note. NOT to be used for extremely high fevers.
2- Flu Shoo Tincture
Uses: Flu
Comments: 2 tsp. Yarrow tincture2 tsp. Meadowsweet tincture2 tsp. Saint Johnswort tincture2 tsp. Usnea tincture2 tsp. Schizandra tincture1 tsp. Angelica tincture1 tsp. Licorice root tincture
Use one of two methods.
Mix these together and store in a glass bottle with a dropper assembly. Take 1 dropperful in a half cup of hot water 3-5 times a day.
This formula can be made into a tincture using the dried herbs. Take the dried form of the herbs in the same proportions as above (increasing the amounts from 1 tsp. each to double or triple the amount) and mix them together in a glass jar. Pour vodka or grain alcohol over them. Cover and let stand in a dark place for up to one week, then strain off the herbs and bottle.
Uses: Flu, Fever
Comments: 1 tsp. Boneset 1 tsp. Yarrow 1/2 tsp. Peppermint 1/2 tsp. Catnip 2 cups water
Bring the water to a boil and pour the water over the herb mixture. Cover and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Strain the herbs and drink 1-2 cups at a time. Soak in a warm bath with 10 drops of Lavendar essential oil while drinking the tea. Towel dry off and bundle into warm bedding to rest.
Note. NOT to be used for extremely high fevers.
2- Flu Shoo Tincture
Uses: Flu
Comments: 2 tsp. Yarrow tincture2 tsp. Meadowsweet tincture2 tsp. Saint Johnswort tincture2 tsp. Usnea tincture2 tsp. Schizandra tincture1 tsp. Angelica tincture1 tsp. Licorice root tincture
Use one of two methods.
Mix these together and store in a glass bottle with a dropper assembly. Take 1 dropperful in a half cup of hot water 3-5 times a day.
This formula can be made into a tincture using the dried herbs. Take the dried form of the herbs in the same proportions as above (increasing the amounts from 1 tsp. each to double or triple the amount) and mix them together in a glass jar. Pour vodka or grain alcohol over them. Cover and let stand in a dark place for up to one week, then strain off the herbs and bottle.