Latin Name: Cola acuminata
Alternate Names: Kola Nut, Bissy Nut, Gooroo Nut
Parts Used: Seed kernels.
Properties: Aphrodisiac, Aromatic, Astringent, Digestive Tonic, Diuretic, Stimulant
Internal Uses: Alcoholism, Asthma, Depression, Diarrhea, Drug Addiction, Dysentery, Fatigue, Headache, Mental Exhaustion, Neuralgia, Obesity, Whooping Cough
Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules
Culinary uses: Used in cola beverages as a stimulant and flavoring.
Energetics: Bitter, Cool.
Chemical Constituents: Caffeine, theobromine, kolanin, tannin, anthocyanin.
Contraindications: Avoid if one has high blood pressure, heart palpitations and peptic ulcers. Due to the caffeine content, pregnant women should also avoid.
Comments: There are 125 species of this plant, all of which are indigenous to tropical West Africa, where the seeds are chewed to curb hunger, allay thirst and enable people to work hard in hot conditions. They are considered a symbol of hospitality and used in many social ceremonies such as marriage, birth and funerals. They are often prayed over before being shared. Though it is called a nut, the part consumed is really the inner part of the fleshy seeds. The seeds are used to make a reddish dye. Their consumption is not considered habit forming.
The common name Cola Nut includes the species Cola nitada, which is used interchangeably with Cola acuminata.
The common name Cola Nut includes the species Cola nitada, which is used interchangeably with Cola acuminata.