Latin Name: Allium sativum
Alternate Names: Stinking Rose, Rashona (Sanskrit), Poor Man's Teacle, Da Suan (Chinese), Russian Penicillin
Parts Used: Bulb.
Properties: Alterative, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antioxidant, Antiparasitic, Antiprotozoan, Antispasmodic, Antitumor, Anthelmintic, Aphrodisiac, Carminative, Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Expectorant, Hypoglycemic, Hypotensive, Immune Stimulant, Rejuvenative, Vasodilator, Yang Tonic.
Internal Uses: Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Cancer, Candida, Catarrh, Colds, Cough, Diabetes, Flu, Heavy Metals, High Cholesterol, Hypertension, Impotence, Leprosy, Obesity, Rheumatism, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, Worms
Internal Applications: Tincture, Capsules.Garlic helps protect one from many types of infectious disease including Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Salmonella bacteria. Dr. Albert Schweitzer used it to treat cholera, typhoid and typhus infections. Garlic is used for many problems of the circulatory system because it helps to prevent blood platelet aggregation. It lowers serum cholesterol and inhibits cancer cells by inhibiting nitrosamine formation.
Topical Uses: Athlete's Foot, Dysentery, Ear Infection, Gangrene, Hemorrhoids, Snakebites, Wounds, Yeast Infection
Topical Applications: Suppository for hemorrhoids (uncut clove), Bolus for yeast infections, Enema for Dysentery. Diluted oil can be used for ear infections. Use as wash for gangrenous wounds and snakebites. Wash for athlete's foot.
Culinary uses: Bulb is used to flavor meats, soups, tomato dishes, salads, breads.
Energetics: Pungent, Hot, Dry.
Chemical Constituents: Alliin tranforms into allicin and ajoene. Diallyl bisulphide, diallyl trisulphide, ajonesulphur, germanium, selenium.
Contraindications: Excessive use can provoke anger and emotional irritability. Avoid use for bad tampered people. Excess can be somewhat irritating to the stomach and kidneys. It can also cause excessive sexual behavior. Some people are allergic to garlic. Not for those with hyperacidic stomach conditions.
Do not apply cut Garlic directly to the skin for more than a few minutes as it can burn the skin. Thus, always dilute with vegetable oil. Avoid large doses during pregnancy and during nursing, as it may cause digestive distress.
Do not apply cut Garlic directly to the skin for more than a few minutes as it can burn the skin. Thus, always dilute with vegetable oil. Avoid large doses during pregnancy and during nursing, as it may cause digestive distress.
Comments: The name Garlic is derived from an Anglo-Saxon term leac, meaning 'pot herb' and gar, meaning 'lance shape,' after the shape of the leaf. The slaves that built the pyramid of Cheops were fed rations of Garlic to give them strength. It was once used to help protect one from the Bubonic Plague and to ward off evil.
Garlic breath can be a problem, but it can be overcome by chewing some Anise, Caraway, Cumin or Fennel seeds, pieces of Cinnamon or Parsley, or taking one drop of pure Peppermint oil in a cup of water.
Garlic breath can be a problem, but it can be overcome by chewing some Anise, Caraway, Cumin or Fennel seeds, pieces of Cinnamon or Parsley, or taking one drop of pure Peppermint oil in a cup of water.