Latin Name: Aloysia triphylla
Alternate Names: Herb Louisa, Limonetto
Parts Used: Above ground portion.
Properties: Antibacterial, Antispasmodic, Aromatic, Febrifuge, Sedative.
Internal Uses: Asthma, Colds, Diarrhea, Escherichia Coli, Fever, Flatulence, Flu, Indigestion, Migraine, Nausea, Neuralgia, Sinus Congestion, Stomachache, Tachycardia, Vertigo
Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture.
Topical Uses: Insect Repellent, Oily Skin, Puffy Eyes, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis
Topical Applications: Essential oil used to scent soaps, bath oils and cosmetics. Compress for puffy eyes. Gargle for sore throats and tonsillitis. Skin toner for oily skin. Potpourri, perfumes. Used to repel aphids and mites.
Culinary uses: Made into jams, stuffing and desserts, and added to fruit dishes. Used to flavor vinegars and oils. Used in wine, liqueurs. Often, the leaves are placed in finger bowls at elegant dinner parties.
Energetics: Sour, Cool.
Chemical Constituents: Essential oil (borneol, cineole, citral, geraniol, limonene, linalool), mucilage, tannin, flavonoids.
Contraindications: Large or prolonged dosages can irritate the digestive tract.
Comments: Lemon Verbena was named in honor of Maria Louisa, who was the wife of Spain's King Charles IV. The genus name, Aloysia reflects her name. Lemon Verbena is native to Argentina, Chile and Peru.
The species Aloysia triphylla was formerly known as Lippia citriodora.
The species Aloysia triphylla was formerly known as Lippia citriodora.