Formula 87: Spirit Lift Tincture
Uses: Fatigue, Exhaustion, Mental Fatigue, Premenstrual Syndrome, Depression, Menopausal Depression
4 tsp. Saint Johnswort tincture
3 tsp. Siberian Ginseng root tincture
2 tsp. Gingko leaf tincture
2 tsp. Lemon Balm tincture or glycerite
1 tsp. Licorice root tincture
Mix the tinctures together and store in a 1 oz. amber bottle with dropper assembly. Take 1 dropperful 3 times a day or as needed.
4 tsp. Saint Johnswort tincture
3 tsp. Siberian Ginseng root tincture
2 tsp. Gingko leaf tincture
2 tsp. Lemon Balm tincture or glycerite
1 tsp. Licorice root tincture
Mix the tinctures together and store in a 1 oz. amber bottle with dropper assembly. Take 1 dropperful 3 times a day or as needed.