Formula 49: Infection Fighting Formula
Uses: Kidney Infection, Mouth Infection, Yeast Infection, Illness, Eye Infection, Ear Infection, Chest Colds, Respiratory Infection, Viral Infections, Infection, Bacterial Infection, Allergies
3 tsp. Echinacea tincture
3 tsp. Yerba Manza or Osha root tincture
3 tsp. Usnea Lichen tincture
2 tsp. Chamomile tincture
1/2 tsp. Turmeric powder,dried
1 pinch Cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. Vegetable glycerin
Mix all of the ingredients together in a 1 oz. amber bottle and shake well to mix the tinctures and herbs together. Take 1 dropperful 3 times a day in a cup of hot water, or use as needed.
Note: for internal use only.