Latin Name: Eschscholzia californica


Parts Used: Above ground portion, root.

Properties: Analgesic, Anodyne, Antispasmodic, Febrifuge, Hypnotic, Nervine, Sedative, Soporific.

Internal Uses: Anxiety, Bedwetting, Headache, Hyperactivity, Insomnia, Restlessness, Stress

Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules.
It helps bedwetting by relieving stress. It does not contain opiates and is a skeletal relaxant.

Topical Uses: Pain

Topical Applications: Compress to help relieve pain

Energetics: Bitter, Cool.

Contraindications: Avoid in cases of depression. Excess use can cause one to feel hungover in the morning. Not addictive.

Comments: This herb is the state flower of California, where it is protected and one may be fined for collecting it from the wild.


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